Armenia Ice Edition Vodka 500 ML
The vodka has a crystal-clear appearance, offering a visual representation of its pure and refined quality. This vodka features an exceptionally smooth and silky texture.
For the best experience, we recommend serving Armenia Ice Vodka Edition at a temperature between -10°C and -18°C.This can be achieved by placing the bottle in the freezer for several hours before serving. At this temperature, the vodka's smooth texture and delicate flavors are enhanced, providing a refreshing and refined drinking experience.
At Armenia Wine Company, a deep-rooted love for the homeland, respect for nature, and a profound appreciation for Armenia’s cultural heritage come together. The company’s journey began in 2006, when the Vardanyan and Mkrtchyan families set out to establish vineyards in the fertile Armavir region of southwestern Armenia. Their vision became a reality in 2008 with the official founding of Armenia Wine Company.
Located in Aragatsotn, a breathtaking region nestled between Yerevan and the towering Mount Aragats, the highest peak in Armenia, the company has become a symbol of craftsmanship and national pride. Each product crafted here tells a unique story, seamlessly blending centuries-old traditions with modern expertise.
While renowned for its exceptional wines, Armenia Wine Company also produces exquisite vodkas, upholding the same commitment to quality and authenticity.
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